Elena González-Blanco

Elena González-Blanco teaches at the Spanish Literature Department from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Open University) in Madrid. Her main research areas are Romance and Medieval Latin Comparative Literature, Metrics and Poetry, and Digital Humanities. She has participated in different research projects and since 2011 she leads the DH project ReMetCa “Repertorio Digital de Métrica Medieval Castellana” (Digital Repertoire on Medieval Castilian Metrics), which uses a combined system of MySQL database and TEI-XML annotation with a collaborative editing system. The project works in coordination with the European project Megarep, part of the research group on databases of the Cost Action Medioevo Europeo.

Elena is a very active member in the Spanish community of Digital Humanities, she is the President of the Spanish Association of Digital Humanities: HDH (Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas, Sociedad Internacional) , and she will also be the PC Chair of the next meeting of the HDH in Madrid (2015). She is also a member of the Executive Commitee of the SIG GO::DH Global Outlook Digital Humanities, of the ADHO (Alliance of Digital Humanities Organization).