Charlotte Tupman is a member of the Digital Humanities Lab at the University of Exeter and has a background in Ancient History and Latin Epigraphy.  She specialises in the encoding, analysis and digital publication of ancient textual materials. From 2006-2015 she was a member of the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London, and she took up her current position at the University of Exeter in 2015.

As one of the authors of the EpiDoc Guidelines she is actively involved in the collaborative development of international standards for the encoding and publication of inscriptions and papyri in TEI XML, and teaches EpiDoc workshops on a regular basis.  She served for eight years on the Steering Committee of the British Epigraphy Society and co-organised and taught for several years on the Practical Epigraphy Workshops. From 2013-15 she co-ran the London Digital Classicist seminars and from 2014-15 served on the committee for the Digital History seminars. She is a Reviewer for the Pleiades Gazetteer of Ancient Places, a member of the EpiDoc Action Group and serves on the British School at Athens Publications Committee.